Thursday, October 7, 2010

Videos Must Instantly Grab Viewers

Does your company have a YouTube site? Are videos loaded onto your web site? Then you want to hear about this!
According to a new study (one that consisted of 40 million clips that added up to over 7 billion views), 20% of the video-viewing audience stops watching around the first 10 seconds.
For those viewers who stick past 10 seconds, a third of the audience is gone when the video hits 30 seconds, and 44% is gone around the 1-minute mark. Also, length of video doesn't have much of an impact, whether there are 30 seconds left or 3 minutes, viewers will simply click elsewhere if they are not interested in what they are watching.
So, essentially, you have about ten seconds to catch the attention of your viewers. Considering 1 out of 5 viewers bounces before that is a powerful statistic, and definitely something to keep in mind when creating your next video.

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