Thursday, May 16, 2013

Subconscious Directional Cues

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 was the SFIMA Pubcon Summit in Davie, Florida. Some of the world's leading Internet marketers gave presentations on SEO, SEM, and Social Media Marketing. One of the most interesting presentation was given on Conversion Rate Optimization. In the lecture, they gave examples of how clear logos, toll-free phone numbers and visible shopping carts can give a boost in sales. They also showed that a strong return policy (if your site is E-Commerce) or a strong sense of Customer Service will help the audience to convert more easily. When you are trying to convince your audience to convert you should use 'directional cues'. This caught my attention when the subject was introduced because directional cues are a form of Neuromarketing. There are two forms of directional cues: (1) Implicit and (2) Explicit.
Implicit Directional Cues are those that are implied such as direction of view, color, visual weighting, prioritization, repetition of color, size or shape that engages your audience more. Explicit Directional Cues are very direct, they have arrows, lines, or curves showing them 'this is where your eyes should be'.
Although explicit directional cues are useful and obviously engage your audience they can sometimes be too overbearing. This is why it is important to constantly be testing your landing page to see what engages your audience most. Test your site using both implicit and explicit directional cues. For implicit use people then objects, what does your audience convert more on? If it is people, then test a single person or a family? A male or a female? White or ethnic? Older or Younger? The greatest 'take-away' that I had from the SFIMA Pubcon Summit was a quote by Paul Ryazanov that said "In God we trust, everything else we test". I believe that in marketing and especially Neuromarketing this is true.
Call my office 954-281-9995 or email me at if you would like to have a meeting with me on some ideas for Landing Page Optimization or Conversion Rate Optimization using directional cues and Neuromarketing.

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